This Blog site will be updated regularly so students and parents may verify assigned work and, or contact me if they have questions or concerns. My Email is

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Math: Project due: Tuesday March 20.
Project Requirements: Must be a minimun of a 5 times enlargement/reduction.
Project must be at least the size of a textbook/shoebox, and must be able to fit in through the door.

Science: Unit Test Wednesday: Use the following website to help you in studying.

Outdoor Education: Return signed course outlines.

Community Health: Return signed course outlines.

Calendar: No school Monday- PD day
Parent Teacher Interviews- Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Math: 8K- p 160: 13-16, P162: 2,3, 6-9
8C- p 150-151: 3,5,6,8-10
Math enlargement/reduction project due Tuesday-Mar 20-
Requirements- Minimum 5 times enlargement/reduction 3D model of a real object.
Minimum dimensions- Math Textbook/ Shoe Box
Maximun dimensions- Must fit through the classroom door.
Must have the orginal object's measurements, the model's measurements, and scale.
Must look like the orginal and have similar textures and colours.


Outdoor Education:

Community Health: