Math: Finish Math Journal Entry - Final Integer self reflection
- Inital Algebra self reflection
P 256: 4 and 5
Science: Recopy Board notes
October 9- No School: Thanksgiving
October 11-13 Outdoor Education Overnight Campout- Lower Kananaski Lake. Mr Kunz will be away these three days, but he will have a subsitute.
This past weekend, I completed my Red Cross First Aid Instructor- Trainer new standards upgrade course. This was an amazing and extremely informative course as it introduced the new standards and program changes that will be taught over the next 6 years. Some of the highlights include: New CPR ratios; demonstration and practice in using Automated External Difibrillators the machines used to shock the heart in order to help restore a more rhymic heart beat, Epi-pens, to help people with severe allegies, and Asthma Inhalers.
The students in the Community Health options class will be taught these skills as part of their course. I am very pleased to be able to offer them this opportunity.
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